Speakers OHMS And Impedance : Solo Music Gear Coupon Code
Why is this important to your amplifier? Well, if the entire signal path through the amplifier is set up to function at a particular impedance, then everyone and every part is happy and can function efficiently. If your amplifier says that it wants an 8-ohm load (usually on the back of the amp where the speakers plugin) and you are using an 8-ohm speaker (cab) or a 4 ohm….you will be fine. Your amplifier will not function 100% as it should if your speaker (cab) is rated at 4 ohms, but you won’t run the risk of damaging your equipment (unless you run it a wide-open for hours). If for whatever reason you can’t match the speaker to the output, then go for the nearest impedance to the speaker on the higher side. For example on a 4-ohm output, it is completely safe to use an 8-ohm individual speaker or cabinet, or on an 8-ohm output, it is equally safe to use a 16-ohm individual speaker or cabinet. Never use an individual speaker or cabin...